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Book design by Katy Riegel
Created by Robert B. Parker in 1999 to be played by Helen Hunt in feature films that didn't come to fruition, first-person P.I. Sunny Randall did appear as the main character in six books by Parker, and now joins the continuation effort by Parker's estate and publisher.

On sale November 27, no sooner does Robert B. Parker's Blood Feud see Sunny back with Richie Burke—the ex-husband she still loves—than Richie is shot as a message to his mobster father, Desmond.

Bolstering his gripping premise, Mike Lupica has done his homework on Sunny, Parker's supporting characters (Tony Marcus, Vinnie Morris, Frank Belson, Susan Silverman), and fellow Parker continuation authors' books—all helping warm up readers less familiar or less enamored with Sunny. There's also no shortage of action as Desmond's unknown nemesis continues picking off Burkes.

Thanks to G.P. Putnam's Sons' Katie McKee for the review galley.

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Kevin R. Tipple said…
Just read this one and thought it was a weak book at best.