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Showing posts from February, 2015

Jim Winter talks GYPSY'S KISS

Creator of Cleveland P.I. Nick Kepler , Jim Winter returns to talk about Kepler's final case : Gerald So: What went into your decision to end the Kepler series with Gypsy's Kiss ? Jim Winter: Two things. First, the character really wasn't talking to me anymore. Since I'd released all the completed novels, I didn't want to just leave Nick hanging at the end of Bad Religion. Second, I'd written a short story called "Gypsy's Kiss" and wasn't happy with the result, probably because I'd rushed it. In novella format, I could make the premise, Gypsy wanting Nick to be her last client as a call girl, work. In this version, the "appointment" is supposed to consist of Nick and Gypsy splitting a bottle of wine and watching old movies. Plus it let me add several layers to Gypsy's past and visit some of Nick's early days. Gerald: In what ways do you think Kepler has changed or grown over the course of the series? Jim: I t